We are the result of our decisions. While we agonize over little things like what to wear and what to eat, are we glossing over the big choices? There might be more on the line than you thought when you say “I Choose.” This four-part message series helps us learn to be intentional about the choices we make. We'll cover topics like surrender, urgency, and priorities.
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Purpose over PopularityNo one wakes up and decides to wreck their life with one significant choice. More minor compromises along the way lead to who we are. John James uses his story for God's Glory. Will you do the same?
John James 4.24.2022 |
Surrender over controlWe like to feel like we’re in total control of our own lives—but is having control really what’s important? Let’s talk about it as we continue our message series, I Choose.
Frank Branson 5.01.2022 |
Discipline over regretWe don’t want to regret our choices—so why can it be so hard to have the discipline to make the right ones? Let’s talk about making big choices. I choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret.
Justin May 5.08.2022 |
Important over urgentIt can seem complicated to make important decisions when it feels like your life is moving a thousand miles an hour. Let’s slow it down and decide what is important.
Jacob McKlarney 5.15.2022 |
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